Using Our Waste Stations for Dog Parks to Establish Your Park
Just as your parks and various recreation programs provide your community with green space and sports, dog parks cater to a large percentage of your residents as well. As many as 35-40% of homes have a least one dog! That’s over 1 in every 3 homes in your communities. Keep your park clean with our waste stations for dog parks.
Before You Even Begin
Do you have support for a Dog Park?
Are council members, or a particular group of residents supportive of the idea?
It is important to identify those who will support the project.
As you know, depending on its location, there will be those opposed to it.

Where Will the Dog Park Be Located
Depending on the size of your municipality, town, apartment complex, etc.,will the Dog Park be centrally located? Or if you have a larger community, will there be several dog parks?
Will it be part of a larger park, so things like water and electricity will be on site? Or will the dog park be in a more remote location and not have those amenities?
How Will the Dog Park Be Funded

Are you thinking about writing a grant proposal to offset some of the costs? There are funds available for many aspects of the dog park process, from planning to implementation.
Make sure to note that the facility will be ADA compliant (check the ADA requirements). ADA compliance is a must with any new park but it’s also very important to mention it when writing your grant request.
Will fund raising be needed to build the park? Or to support the park on an ongoing basis?
If so, will it be donations or the ‘sale’ of items such as bricks, plaques, etc? Consider the use of sponsorships to help offset the cost of bags and waste stations for dog parks.
How Will the Dog Park be Configured
Will the park be divided for small and large dogs?
Ideally the park should be 1 acre or more, be accessible to pedestrians and have some parking.
What About Amenities
Will you be providing benches for the dog owners? Pet safe mulch should be placed around footings for all equipment on site.
Think about some shade from trees or a pavilion for both the dogs and people. Pay close attention to the tree species so they do not “drop” any harmful fruit (i.e. gumballs) into the dog park.
If vegetation will be in or around the park, make sure it is not harmful to dogs.
If you are unsure, enlist the help of a trained botanist.
Must Haves vs. Could Haves
Fencing is a must and will probably be the most expensive part of the project.
The gate area should be double gated, with separate access, if the park is split into a large and small dog park.
Dog Park Maintenance
If the area will be grass, will you be able to rotate the activity, so the grass can regrow? If not, will you need to close the park periodically to reseed?
It is best to have some hardscape by the entrance gate and the apron area at the entrance. These areas see the most wear and tear. Use either paver stones, or synthetic pet grass such as XGrass PetTurf or Forever Lawn K9 Grass. This turf is specifically designed for dogs and has antimicrobial protection. Finally, hardscape under the trash cans and benches will make maintenance a lot easier!
Will park personnel, public works or an outside contractor maintain the dog park? You may want to discuss the maintenance issue, such as waste collection, before finalizing details such as waste cans.
Will you be charging for use of the park and if so how much and how will you control access? For example, will the gate be a combo lock, key lock or simply a tag.

Pet Waste Management Systems
Dog Parks need a reliable, flexible Pet Waste Management System. Studies have shown that when pet waste pick-up bags and dispensing systems are present in parks and dog parks, over 70% of people will use the bags to pick up the waste.
With so many brands on the market, how can you make a decision that will be appropriate for your needs, easy on your budget, (cheapest is sometimes just cheap!) and acheive the goal of keeping your Dog Park clean.
BagSpot Pet Waste Stations, either Premium or Standard, will meet your needs.
BagSpot 2-n-1 Dispenser allows for maximum flexibility. This dispenser can dispense either Roll Bags or One-Pull (header) Bags. No competitor can offer you that! They force you to choose and then you are locked in. BagSpot 2-n-1 Dispenser provides flexibility to meet your needs.
BagSpot Pet Waste Stations are commercial grade.
All Aluminum- they won’t rust if chipped by weed whackers.
BagSpot Pet Waste Stations are easy on your budget.
Our dispensers not only offer flexibility they help you save money. Because you can use either Roll Bags or One-Pull Bags, you are in control of which product to provide, based on your needs and your budget. Our competitors force you to choose a dispenser style that can only dispense one bag type. Once you buy it, you’re locked in……and so is your budget!
BagSpot Pet Waste Stations help keep your Dog Parks clean.
Positioning BagSpot Pet Waste Stations at various locations around your dog park area ensures that pet owners will have bags when they need them and will dispose of them properly. BagSpot Pet Waste Stations come with trashcans on our Premium model. While some companies try to oversell you and suggest their more expensive stations, we think you only need to place Premium Stations strategically within the Dog Park. If you have some well placed barrel trashcans, you can supplement the Premium Stations with our Standard Stations (no trashcan) to provide coverage in the dog park as well.